Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Useful Pointers for 1st time mothers

Watch over them
Never leave children unsupervised in play areas, stores or parks. Make sure you can always see them. Also, never leave them in cars outside stores, even is they're asleep or you're only going to be away for a few minutes. Always take them into the store with you.

Time for a nap
It is estimated that a quarter of children still have a daytime nap a couple of times a week even at five years old age, so don't worry if your children are often tired in the middle of the day. Make time in their schedules for naps as well as activities.

Never start a bad habit
From time to time, your children will not feel sleepy at bedtime and may want to stay up. If you give in, they are likely to want a repeat performance every time they don't feel sleepy, so bear this in mind before you start bad habits like letting them come into your room. I found this tips very useful , when the first time I found my son is mirroring my bad habit,which I was totaly angry and try to correct him by scold, which is not a good way to resolve this problem.

Give them kisses
I used to asked or gave my son a kiss before we both goes into bed. Many children especially when they get to pre-school age, will spurn kisses and cuddles from their parents during the day. So make up for it by lavishing attention on them at bedtime when they are less likely to refuse, and then send them off to sleep feeling warm and secure.

Breath it out
Children always getting trouble in get back to sleep if they have waken up at night, teach them some "sleep" excercises like breathing into different parts of their body, or visualisation, to help their body and mind relax.

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